Friday, May 29, 2015

Apricot Maltipoo Sun Maid California Apricots, 6 Oz

Apricot Maltipoo Sun Maid California Apricots, 6 Oz
Apricot Maltipoo Sun Maid California Apricots, 6 Oz

Apricot Maltipoo Sun Maid California Apricots, 6 Oz
I am not a fan of the so-called "Turkish" dried apricots, which are too soft and too sweet for my tastes. Rather I prefer these chewier, somewhat more tart "California-style" apricots. However, these Sun-Maid 'cots were a disappointment. They were quite small, very dry, and at least one bag was intolerably tart---not sweet at all. One bag was also filled incorrectly---only contained two or three apricot pieces. Amazon was kind enough to ship me another. If you have a Trader Joes' near you, check out their bulk bags of dried apricots---much tastier, and more affordable too.
Apricot Maltipoo Sun Maid California Apricots, 6 Oz

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